Prospective Students
The lab looks at a wide range of fisheries management issues in freshwater and marine environments. We focus primarily on recreational fisheries management, but broadly consider fisheries management or aquatic conservation projects. Take a look at our current students’ research to get a better understanding of the range of our research.
Our lab is located in the School of Resource and Environmental Management (REM) at Simon Fraser University on the Burnaby campus. REM is an interdisciplinary graduate program for either Master’s or PhD students. Students will take a range of courses focused on resource management and sustainability. Master’s students have the option of entering either the thesis or project stream which have differ in required courses and the scale of the research project.
We are looking for students who are excited to learn and to get involved with the lab. Previous experience is helpful, particularly field experience, but there are no specific requirements.
Prospective students will ideally have experience with quantitative analysis and an interest in fisheries management. All projects will be quantitative at their core, so experience with quantitative analysis is strongly encouraged. Experience working with R or another coding language would be extremely helpful. All of our projects deal with fisheries management so a strong understanding of fisheries management issues and concepts is encouraged.
Most importantly all students should be excited to learn and get involved.
You must get accepted into the program through REM into either the project or thesis stream. Applications are accepted based on grades and experience. See the SFU MRM website for information on how to apply. If you are interested in working in our lab, please get in contact!